I don’t know what has changed with globalization, but as far I understand it has changed the value of love to sex and romance to money.
It's important to be precise about words, because of the thought value of them-they frame and shape so much of the way we understand things.
Dear soul, don't set a high value on someone before they deserve it; You either lose them or ruin yourself...!
Ryan and I didn't grow up like this at all, with this much attention. We'll just try to keep their feet on the ground and raise them with the values we were raised with.
I think that opera in Europe is 30 years ahead of America. There is a broader range of material presented to the public. They value contemporary opera.
You can find anyone that will tell you what you want to hear, but the only one worth valuing is the one that tells you what you need to learn.
If you don’t know what you value in life, then you won’t be able to make any meaningful decisions you can live with in the future.
If a bully mocks you, just think about your positive values compared to the bully and ignore his or her harsh comments.
The assumption must be that those who can see value only in tradition, or versions of it, deny man's ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
When u dont value the tears shed in your absence , you dont deserve the smile which begets the fragrance in life .
It is their attachment to us rather than their independence from us that we value in our pets.
For me archaeology is not a source of illustrations for written texts, but an independent source of historical information, with no less value and importance, sometimes more importance, that the written sources.
That said, your values will not always be the object of public admiration. In fact, the more you live by your beliefs, the more you will endure the censure of the world.
Happiness does not come from a job. It comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that’s consistent with those beliefs.
Every human life has infinite value and to destroy even one is a crime against all humanity.
Remember, gold and silver always have had value and never have gone to zero. Can you say the same for stocks and bonds?
To me, consensus seems to be the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and policies. So it is something in which no one believes and to which no one objects.
May those who enjoy the faithful ministry of the Word feel exceedingly thankful for it. There are few blessings on Earth greater for a believer; and yet the Lord is frequently obliged to teach us the value of this blessing by depriving us of it for a...
For me, just being on the cover of a magazine wasn't enough. I began to think, what value is there in doing something in which you have no creative input?
The blunt tools of legislation or union power can force a corporation to pay higher wages, but if employees don't create an equal amount of additional value, there's no net gain.
Your value depends on how much love you gave away, not on how much money you have accumulated.