The most important ethical issues and the most difficult ones are the human ones because a reporter has enormous power to hurt people.
You talk to the farmers, the ranchers, our small community bankers, and boy, one of the No. 1 issues is the regulations coming out of Washington.
Rap is supposed to motivate, humours, address societal issues & personal feelings, and also liberate me through art, not insult our women.
The world wasn't a more tolerant place when I was a young man. Rather, they simply sidestepped all the issues.
Lots of people working in cryptography have no deep concern with real application issues. They are trying to discover things clever enough to write papers about.
But the issue became, how long do you keep the press waiting so that you can gather more information?
I noticed in America that if you write a book of any kind, you're made to be the representative of all the issues that might surround it.
That's the problem with news interviews, you work your tail off to get prominent figures in the news on the radio, but once they've been on, the event passes, the urgency, the issues you talked about evaporate.
New Yorkers have real issues, and they deserve to have a mayor that is prepared to work with them to solve the challenges they have, reduce the problems that they have, and they deserve to have a mayor's race that is focused on them.
Japan continues to work closely with the United States on the issue of the North Korean nuclear crisis and has played an important and constructive role in the Six-Party talks.
Once you become a producer, you're really selling something. It is a control issue, because you don't really know how it's going to pan out, but the creative control makes it work it.
One I've been passionately committed to, of course, is women's ministry; I believe solidly in it as a Gospel issue and we've found our way through that.
I want to help correct the inaccurate image of immigration in the media. There is an idea that women's issues are over here and immigration is over there. Three quarters of undocumented workers are women and children.
I have a similar issue with people who hire me as I do with women. 'You have to have a particular taste to want to be around me. I have a slightly askew view.
The Iraq War was the biggest issue for people of my generation in the West. It was also the clearest case, in my living memory, of media manipulation and the creation of a war through ignorance.
I'm as frustrated with the French, I think, as anyone, but look, there's going to be other challenges and there are going to be other issues. As long as there's a war on terrorism going on, we're all going to have to work together.
There isn't a more important issue in the world than global warming. Even the Cold War and the Bay of Pigs crisis were a notional threat.
It is a kind of ego booster, the way Egypt's winning the 1973 war, in the first stages, was an uplift. But I did not find when I spoke to people that the war in Iraq was seen as the major issue in American-Arab relations.
India and China have not shied away from addressing boundary questions, have wisdom to find a fair and mutually acceptable solution... We have been able to put all issues on the table.
I don't know what London's coming to — the higher the buildings the lower the morals.
But the line between moral behavior and narcissistic self-righteousness is thin and difficult to discern