Now that we have a democracy and you can go back and the airport air is not laden with evil any more, you can actually breathe oxygen when you land in Johannesburg.
I hope Marcus (giggle) is there. Maybe he can defeat the evil Cullens with his mighty battle cry, "I can see relationships!!!
Evil spawns mayhem while benevolence repairs; doing good comforts the living while prayers are extended to the one who attends to the dead.
People with evil ideas will think and do as they have learned, but those people with good ideas have the responsibility to show them the way of love, way of truth, and the way of peace.
To rest satisfied with existing evils, as if we could do nothing, is not obedience; but neither is it obedience to imitate the actions of the apostles.
Putting prize-fighting altogether aside as one of the unavoidable evils attending on this manly exercise, the inestimable value of boxing as a training, discipline, and development of boys and young men remains.
This part of Brazil offered the curious spectacle of a great evil, which has been long suffered to exist and is now advancing, gradually yet surely, to that state which must entail inevitable destruction on the existing Government of the country.
'The Prince's blunt candor has been a scandal for 500 years. The book was placed on the Papal Index of banned books in 1559, and its author was denounced on the Elizabethan stages of London as the 'Evil Machiavel.' The outrage has not dimmed with tim...
Louison: One must always forgive. Julie Clapet: Depends. It's not always possible. Louison: Don't say that. No one is entirely evil. It's circumstance. Or they don't realize the wrong.
Henrietta: I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! Ash: [aims shotgun at Henrietta's face] Swallow this.
Linda: Even now we have your darling Linda's soul, as she suffers in torment! Ash: You're going DOWN!
Annie: The first passage will allow the demon to manifest itself in the flesh. Ash: Why the hell would we want to do that?
Bobbie Joe: [pointing to an *empty* room] It's in there... Ash: We'll all go in together. Jake: Hell no! You're the curious one!
Linda: [the demon has possessed Linda] Yes! Your love was a lie! And now she burns in hell!
Dalton Russell: Fact is, all lies, all evil deeds, they stink. You can cover them up for a while, but they don't go away.
Vargas: Listen, I'm no cop now. I'm a husband! What did you do with her? Where's my wife? My wife!
Dist. Atty. Adair: An hour ago, Rudy Linnekar had this town in his pocket. Coroner: Now you could strain him through a sieve.
Dale: Do some of your friends take medication? Allison: Why? Dale: Because I think they forgot to take it.
Dale: [after seeing Tucker's fingers wrapped in his shirt] Oh my God, they cut off his bowling fingers!
I think one of the most pervasive evils in this world is greed and acquiring money for money's sake. Once you have six houses and a plane, it's just about a number. It's never been anything I understood.
Our enemies are our evil deeds and their memories, our pride, our selfishness, our malice, our passions, which by conscience or by habit pursue us with a relentlessness past the power of figure to express.