I spend all my time trying to capture the moment. And when I do, I'll interrogate and torture it.
This Book is Not FOR SALESickness awakens sadness sleeps- Moments of aloneness results into peace.
A Very First Book Of Poems: HeartbreakFor a moment the radio wavered between stations and I was so busy making myself marvelous.
In the Voice of a Minor SaintHe looked so profoundly disappointed in me that I wondered for a moment if he was someone I knew.
Wonder BoysAnd there, tucked in his soul, was the love he felt for Sabella since the moment he had seen her.
Wild CardA true friend finds a way to celebrate—even in the worst moments of life—and forces it upon you.
The Wanting HeartThe moment you put a deadline on your dream,it becomes a goal.
The Winning Way: Learnings from sport for managersI learned that you can't truly own anything, that true ownership comes only in the moment of giving.
What Falls Away: A Memoir