This woman is beautiful and clever: but how much cleverer she would have become if she were not beautiful!
A woman eats to feed her pussy." Meaning: Anything we do to excess is in compensation for not getting a minimum amount of sexual gratification.
Back off, asshole. I haven't had a woman today, so I'm in no mood for this kind of bullshit.
Oh, I have felt lust. And I've indulged lust. But no other woman has turned me into another person.
'Mallory,' he used to say, 'When a woman who can break you in half tells you that you're hers, you nod and agree.'
What good was speaking when I'd determined none of the world listened to one another, especially not when a woman was speaking.
Hey, when you love a woman, and when she’s this crazy in love with you, you’ve got to do whatever she says, man.
The woman at the next table is making eyes at you,” Lanie said, whispering conspiratorially. “Really? What does she make them out of? Cloth?
If it's so painful to love and absorb electricity, how much more painful it is to be a woman, to be the electricity, to inspire love.
It always puzzled him, when he was a child, that a woman who wrote books for a living should be so bad at telling bedtime stories.
I lay it down as a general rule, Harriet, that if a woman doubts as to whether she should accept a man or not, she certainly ought to refuse him.
A woman is not to marry a man merely because she is asked, or because he is attached to her, and can write a tolerable letter.
News is something worth knowing that you didn't know already. (by an "earnest young woman" in his journalism class)
Let a woman too close, and while she sucked your cock, she sucked your brains and manhood right out of you, too.
What a moron I was to think you were sweet and innocent, when it turns out you were actually college-educated the whole time!
My mother once told me that no woman is naked when she comes equipped with a bad mood and a steady glare.
In Shinear, a woman [is] safe anywhere, any time-except from Trollocs and Myrddraal, of course-and any man [will] die to see it so.
have you ever met a woman you wanted to give everything to? just turn over everything you had? -Davy Dempsey-
Sleeping with a woman is easy. Loving her is an entirely different thing.
He wondered how sick in heart a woman needed to be for her to forsake a delight in flowers. many writers still dare compare a woman to Nature, like Campion? - there is a garden in her face - how lovely...