My body is precious and not separate from my soul.
Forgot what you think and remember what you feel.
A woman's happiness is in throwing everything away to live for love.
Man fucks woman; subject verb object.
A woman's lust is for a short time; a man's lust is forever.
...a woman not yet seen, but whose perfume accumulates on the horizon like a storm cloud.
Hell hath no fury like a man embarrassed by a woman
Freedom belongs to the woman who has nothing left to prove.
For a woman's words to wound would require a man to listen first!
It takes a sour woman to make a good pickle.
And while it is true that I got the best woman in the world, I don't think love saves you.
As a woman, we all want to feel attractive. We all want to feel that we're making the very best of ourselves so we can accept ourselves.
To show the American woman herself off to best advantage - that has always been my aim and that is my real biography.
Every woman wants and needs different things. It's always best when you're honest and you speak up. It's hard to read minds.
To what a bad choice is many a worthy woman betrayed, by that false and inconsiderate notion, That a reformed rake makes the best husband!
Man is always looking for someone to boast to; woman is always looking for a shoulder to put her head on.
You may be a princess or the richest woman in the world, but you cannot be more than a lady.
Agatha Christie has given more pleasure in bed than any other woman.
My three husbands were afraid of me. I am a very powerful woman.
My mother was the prettiest woman in the town. He was a bit older than her. They made me. And he split.
Being a woman, I tried, I cared, I loved and blamed in return.