Who depends on another man's table often dines late.
A man with trousers that are too short should wear long suspenders.
You shake a man's hand, you don't shake his heart.
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
Man counts what he has refused, not what he has given.
Do good and throw it into the sea -- if it is not appreciated by an ungrateful man, it will be appreciated by God.
No man can swim ashore and carry his baggage with him.
If you are travelling in the blind man's country close one eye.
Every ambitious man is a captive and every covetous one a pauper.
Behold the iguana puffing itself out to make itself a man!
A naked man will often laugh at someone with torn clothes.
The glory of ancestors should not prevent a man winning glory for himself.
The man who can't dance says the band can't play.
You buy yourself an enemy when you lend a man money.
If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority.
If you wish to know what a man is, put him in authority.
Man is harder than rock and more fragile than an egg.
In the information-communication civilization of the 21st Century, creativity and mental excellence will become the ethical norm. The world will be too dynamic, complex, and diversified, too cross-linked by the global immediacies of modern (quantum) ...
The Abbe Paul looked at Agnes rather as Alain had, with respect. 'How sensible. People are desperate to probe mysteries which for the most part are best left unprobed. It is the modern curse: this demented drive to explain every blessed thing. Not ev...
So when modern-day religious conservatives wax nostalgic about how marriage is a sacred tradition that reaches back into history for thousands of uninterrupted years, they are absolutely correct, but in only one respect—only if they happen to be ta...
Human nature turns out to be more complicated than the idea that people will get along if only the rules are clear enough. Uncertainty, the ultimate evil that modern law seeks to eradicate, generally fosters cooperation, not the opposite.