A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
One man's observation is another man's closed book or flight of fancy.
There's place and means for every man alive.
Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.
An unskilled middle-aged man can work in the mines, and it pays well.
I wrote as a very angry young man, believing he was going to be killed in a world war.
Spending two years on my uncle's ranch in Montana as a young man gave me the wisdom and the thrust to do westerns.
If a man believes in a stone, that stone will serve him well.
A dead man does not know where his grave is.
Fear a silent man. He has lips like a drum.
The earth is not thirsty for the blood of the warriors but for the sweat of man's labor.
A man grows most tired while standing still.
For each man produced by heaven, earth provides a grave.
Killing a man to save the world, does not save the world.
The Yangtse never runs backwards; man recaptures not his youth.
The less power a man has, the more he likes to use it.
However swift a man, he will not outstrip his shadow.
For whom does the blind man's wife paint herself?
Six hours for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.
If the bathroom and a brandy cannot help a man, then death is imminent.
A man who is afraid of suffering suffers from fear itself.