History has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of low risk premiums.
The Bush administration will go down in history as the Torture Team.
My work is not about my life history. It's not about the story of my neurosis.
I don't compete with other discus throwers. I compete with my own history.
Mexico and the U.S. are bound not only because of the common border, but by a shared culture and history.
I go into my library and all history unrolls before me.
On the day when man told the story of his life to man, history was born.
I have a long-standing history of respecting artists' wishes.
The world at night, for much of history, was a very dark place indeed.
As an actress, you have to give your character a life, a history, and make it full and rich for yourself.
My Dublin wasn't the Dublin of sing-songs, traditional music, sense of history and place and community.
I think the materialist conception of history is valid.
Billions of people have seen and been influenced by movies in the short history of this industry.
I'm big into social studies, the humanities. I really love history and world issues and philosophy and law.
If I don't tell it all now, the story in the history books will always be imperfect and that would be wrong.
As a matter of history, the Fourteenth Amendment was not understood to ban segregation on the basis of race.
And thus goes segregation which is the most far-reaching development in the history of the Negro since the enslavement of the race.
The 2000 election exposed some ugly history in our country.
I hope to make the most expensive movie in history at some point!
No harm's done to history by making it something someone would want to read.
You can't be a full participant in our democracy if you don't know our history.