Politicians are often tempted to deploy history as a weapon against each other.
The people who have really made history are the martyrs.
Throughout history, story telling was at the very beginning of life.
I am fascinated by history and particularly the Victorian era.
Read no history: nothing but biography, for that is life without theory.
Fascism is a religion. The twentieth century will be known in history as the century of Fascism.
Whenever you move, I think you lose your history.
We Americans entered a new phase in our history - the era of integration - in 1954.
I enjoyed history at school. I'd always had a sense of pagan England.
I normally ignore the History Channel.
Indeed, scientific truth by consensus has had a uniformly bad history.
Without history we are the prisoners of the accident of where and when we were born.
Crime fiction is the fiction of social history. Societies get the crimes they deserve.
Evil is such a simplistic way to describe any character, be it Iago or Caliban, or any character from history.
While history never repeats itself, political patterns do.
Even the bands I dig don't have a history of attaining mass consumption.
History simmers beneath the surface in more communities than just Ferguson.
A year is an eternity in politics - though less than a moment in history.
If history and science have taught us anything, it is that passion and desire are not the same as truth.
Irish people are educated not only about artistry but local history.
A political theory seeks to find from history the limits of the politically possible.