Our culture peculiarly honors the act of blaming, which it takes as the sign of virtue and intellect.
If 9 out of 10 grandmothers selected from 10 respective cultures can agree it is evil, then it's evil. Cut it out.
Sam Walton was a master storyteller who used illustrative stories to reinforce his cultural standards.
It's difficult sometimes when you have somebody who is of a different culture trying to make light of something that is maybe not quite something that they understand.
Kid's culture is often dismissed as superficial, like high fibre McDonald's, but it's so much more important than that.
I believe that reforms will not really take hold if they do not gradually come into the culture of the people.
When elected officials and others contribute to a climate and culture that fosters hyper-partisanship, we've got to blow the whistle.
If you want to judge the performance of the Egyptian people by the standards of German or Chinese or American culture, then there is no room for judgment.
I think you can have a Left that isn't culturally conservative talking about lunch-bucket issues.
For sheer majestic geography and sublime scale, nothing beats Alaska and the Yukon. For culture, Japan. And for all-around affection, Australia.
Pot lucks are fun, especially when you encourage your guests to bring dishes that represent their families or cultures.
This clash of the culture, East and the West, us and them, Muslim and Christian, does not exist.
It's impossible not to be taken in by the spectacle of oneself, which is the biggest sin of the culture right now.
I'm saying, let's learn to reacquire a respect for the power of guns. This culture is so indifferent and disrespectful of guns that we should be terrified.
It was said that Chile was not ready to vote for a woman, it was traditionally a sexist country. In the end, the reverse happened: the fact of being a woman became a symbol of the process of cultural change the country was undergoing.
A lot happened in Vancouver. It was my first Western experience. I learned English, which is my second language. I became very acquainted with Western culture. I had my first sewing machine when I was 9. I trained in fashion illustration when I was i...
Clearly, America's dysfunctional food culture must bear some of the blame for our excess pounds, but it's likely our walking-averse lifestyles contribute as well.
Whether we consciously realize it or not, the biodiversity with which we are most familiar, and the biodiversity with which we have most intimate historical, cultural and biological connections, is that associated with food plants.
Like Hollywood movies, MTV and blue jeans, fast food has become one of America's major cultural exports.
Spain is a fascinating mix of people, languages, culture and food, but if there is one thing all Spaniards share, it's a love of food and drink.
There's so much that I like about Pittsburgh, actually. The cultural district and museums are wonderful, and I encourage everyone to check them out. And the food is excellent, too!