News invented the modern world as much as the modern world invented news. Finding out what was going on elsewhere in the world change people's minds about what was possible or tolerable.
Another unsettling element in modern art is that common symptom of immaturity, the dread of doing what has been done before.
I look at modern life and I see people not taking responsibility for their lives. The temptation to blame, to find external causes to one's own issues is something that is particularly modern. I know that personally I find that sense of responsibilit...
IQ in general has improved since tests first began. Psychologists think that this is because modern life becomes ever more complicated.
In 2009, at the Vancouver Peace Summit, I met a supporter of Free the Slaves, an NGO dedicated to eradicating modern-day slavery; weeks later, I flew down to Los Angeles and met with the director of Free the Slaves; thus began my journey into explori...
The modern mind tends to be more and more critical and analytical in spirit, hence it must devise for itself an engine of expression which is logically defensible at every point and which tends to correspond to the rigorous spirit of modern science.
Our first challenge is to ensure safety of pilgrims, and we will use modern technology for that. We will strengthen our telecom network and will provide special mobile apps to the pilgrims at the time of registration.
But I don't think there has ever been anything written on the nature of violent man as deep and as thorough as Shakespeare's Titus. I think it puts all modern movies and modern exploitations of violence to shame.
Desire is the first thing a modern dancer should have. Skill can be developed. But if you don't have desire as a modern dancer, forget it.
A warrior dies in battle; a mountain climber on the rocks, but a farmer dies of old age.
He who eats a partridge in his youth will only be left with feathers in his old age.
The three ages of man: youth, middle age and 'my word you do look well'.
Man fools himself. He prays for a long life, and he fears an old age.
Man is like palm-wine: when young, sweet but without strength; in old age, strong but harsh.
Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle.
Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age.
Christmas cut history in two ages, the Age of Promise, and the Age of Fulfillment.
Dodo: Prepare for the Ice Age. Sid: Ice Age? Diego: I've heard of these crackpots.
The world had seen so many Ages: the Age of Enlightenment; of Reformation; of Reason. Now, at last, the Age of Desire. And after this, an end to Ages; an end, perhaps, to everything.
We can’t be lovers because we both have mustaches. But since you’re a lady, and I’m a gentleman, I’ll shave mine off.
I love like an albino. But I don’t want to get sunburned, so would you please pass the ketchup?