Die Vergangenheit war wie jene altmodischen, mit Kräutern und Blumen gefüllten Duftkissen, deren Aroma die Kleider durchdringt und an ihnen haften bleibt.
Ich höre deinen Puls", grinste Roman unverschämt und zog sein Hemd aus. Wer war der Typ? Superman? Mit Super-Gehör?
Ich meine, die Bibel hat doch alle Ingredienzien eines Dan-Brown-Bestsellers. Völkermord, Inzest, Vergewaltigung und irgendwas Abgefahrenes mit Religion.
'Re-Mit' is going to terrify people. It's quite horrible. The Fall have had enough and we're coming for you.
The thing that we at MIT must understand is the amount of real damage that is being done to us in the fine structure of how research funds are expended.
One of the best teaching experiences Ed Schein and I had when we were teaching at MIT in the 1960s was inventing a course on leadership through film.
When I was a grad student at MIT, I had a chance to become friends with the Viking Mission's chief scientist, Dr. Gerald Soffen. Viking was the first Mars lander looking for signs of life on Mars.
Making movies was a real weird kind of adult experience. In a way it was like MIT, in that it was a great education. The big lesson is, people are people. They're smart, funny, creative people, but they're people.
The Saylor Foundation is meant to be a gadfly to encourage Google, Apple, MIT, Harvard, the United States government, and the Chinese government to aggressively pursue digital education.
My father was a professor of civil engineering at MIT, and my mother taught high school English.
The Science Coalition, which grew out of an initial concept at Harvard and at MIT, has now grown to an informal group of about 60 research universities.
One of the terrific aspects of MIT in those days was the enormous variety of experimental work that either took place there or was talked about in seminars by outside speakers aggressively recruited by the faculty.
Adenoid Hynkel: Declare war on Napaloni. Garbitsch: Napaloni? Adenoid Hynkel: Yes, Napaloni! [to Field Marshal Herring] Adenoid Hynkel: Listen, you blockhead. Mobilise every division of the army and the air force. Proceed to Bacteria and attack at on...
Mütter, die nicht aus Überzeugung zuhause geblieben sind, üben oft den größten Druck auf die anderen Mütter aus. Sie sind der eigentliche Treiber der Rabenmütter-Diskussion, weil sie ihr Lebensmuster mit Zähnen und Klauen verteidigen. Das ist...
Aber sie hat immer mit mir geredet, als wäre ich jemand. Und das, verstehen Sie, das macht einen ganz neuen Menschen aus einem.
Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, Die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schafft. (Jealousy is a grievous passion that jealously seeks what causes grief.)
Das ist eine der anstrengenderen Seiten von Moritz, die er mit dem Alter entwickelt hat - die Mischung aus Perfidie und Sentimentalität.
College had little effect on me. I'd have been the same writer if I'd gone to MIT, except I'd have flunked out sooner.
There was a time when I was wondering about this business of going public, so I visited about a half-dozen companies in the Boston area, all of them formed by MIT faculty and all had gone public.
The beginnings of the hacker culture as we know it today can be conveniently dated to 1961, the year MIT acquired the first PDP-1.
I had studied at Harvard and MIT astronomy and a lot about the heavens and the star system and so forth.