Big Ben... hearing the chimes makes me feel at home.
I started on the stage when I was 13 and I consider the stage my home.
Delhi is my emotional home. I still dream of owning a home there.
I've finally found my home - as Lt. Frank Drebin.
When you're never home and traveling, you don't play videogames.
There is no such thing as a weekend for me when I'm at home on my ranch in Oregon.
As soon as I get home, all I want to eat is seafood.
When I'm home, I like a cozy, comfortable, calming space.
I grew up in a very normal home.
I left home at 17 and I've been on the road ever since.
Even when they have nothing, the Irish emit a kind of happiness, a joy.
The most simple things can bring the most happiness.
Happiness exists only if you have a lot of people to share it with.
Everything in large doses is gonna kill you. Even happiness.
I'm not keen on history being tampered with... to any extent.
I think that America has an obsession with history, really.
I do consider myself part of black history.
I got a call to come in and meet Fox, and the rest is history.
My working history as an actor is definitely in the theatre; it certainly was in Australia.
I've never been to a race car race before.
I always keep a ball in the car. You never know.