Things stayed peaceful in there, even as the crashing vehicles and the cries of the injured and dying reached a crescendo outside. "I fry mine in butter!" indeed.
Uhm, Kevin..." "Be quiet, or I swear to God I'll take you right here." Yes, this was definitely Forced Sex. .
A slow smile spread across his lips, and he threaded his fingers through mine. "I can see why I like you.
Of all the fish, in all the bars in the world, she had to not walk into mine. Maybe my love isn’t evolved enough for her.
To attract a lover, you need to craft the perfect Craigslist ad. Here’s mine: Free TV with purchase of potato chips and couch.
Generally, competition is a good thing. But not when it’s between two nipples, specifically mine, over which one can suck the most.
I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes, particularly not mine. Especially not when I am dancing alone.
Love is a bridge between your future and mine. A bridge constructed entirely out of trust, honesty, and in our case, wooden planks.
My knowledge is mine to use as I see fit. But I’m way too out of shape to see fit.
I’m wise when it comes to your issues, and a fool when it comes to mine. Emotion is the blindfold we cannot see or feel we’re wearing.
He can’t take his eyes off the stars, but I can’t take mine off his face."” - Jubilee Chase (This Shattered World)
Some say love cannot be bought, but mine is available at this time for anyone with a good heart and the ability to use a photocopier.
Public displays of inappropriate behavior are a favorite hobby of mine, a cheap thrill.
Every Mind Breaker I met was a true person inside and out. My name is Hayden Laevary, and these are their stories... as well as mine.
That's the thing about freewill: Every decision we make is a choice against something as much as it is for something else.
Sometimes,’ he starts, ‘the hardest part about letting someone go is realizing you were never meant to have them.
If you can't be yours while being mine, maybe you aren't as yours as you'd like to convince yourself that you are.
I love when my cat crushes his forehead into mine like my skull is an empty beer can. But it’s not—there’s still a sip left.
There were a lot of one-hit wonders in the 90s. I was one of them, though mine was just a fender bender and I left before the cops showed up.
Between takes I find it difficult to switch off and then try and re-emerge myself in the part, so I try to stay in that frame of mine all day. It can be exhausting and you lose a sense of self, but it is the method that works best for me.
As everyone knows, there is only one way to fry chicken correctly. Unfortunately, most people think their method is best, but most people are wrong. Mine is the only right way, and on this subject I feel almost evangelical.