It was a dream of mine to be an Olympic champion but not a lifelong goal.
I miss your smile… but I miss mine more.
The experience reminds me of a favorite saying: Most of the yield from research efforts comes from the coal that is mined while looking for diamonds.
I actually crashed the car I learned to drive on. It was a friend of mine's car.
Genius without education is like silver in the mine.
Chris Rock is a good friend of mine, and he is hysterical.
Thought is an errand boy, fear a mine of worries.
Everyone in life has their challenges, mine have not been financial.
I cannot help but think a curious event is this life of mine.
Never having children is a huge regret of mine.
You need ego but mine is not blinding.
I stepped on a land mine named Jayson Blair.
I don't like people to feel completely described by the clothes they wear of mine. I want them to feel that they're describing themselves.
Arizona, our beautiful state, was built on mining.
My mother's a secretary; my father's an electrician in a mining company.
As I've matured as a songwriter, I realize that if it's out there, it's mine.
Creative comedy is like growing geraniums in a mine field.
Tu ești pentru mine relația necesară. Toți ceilalți sunt întâmplători.
Attitudes are contagious. Mine might kill you.
The first time I really listened to an album and thought, 'This album is mine,' was Kanye's 'Late Registration.'
Dracula: The blood is the life... and it shall be mine.