People ignore facts which contradict the theory in the mind of the investor. Dis-confirming evidence must be seeked out to beat this theory.
The sky darkened, the air grew colder, but he didn't mind. It didn't occur to him to move. This was the right place. This was where he had wanted to be.
If your heart, mind, and actions are selfish, they will ultimately divide you, others, or entire [establishments]. When motivation is pure and selfless, it will result in helping bring others together.
Remain open-minded, even when you believe yourself to be a king among peasants. You never know what blessings can be gained or crises averted just by listening.
Mindfulness, also called wise attention, helps us see what we’re adding to our experiences, not only during meditation sessions but also elsewhere.
Mindfulness can play a big role in transforming our experience with pain & other difficulties; it allows us to recognize the authenticity of the distress & yet not be overwhelmed by it.
Ironically, we often spend a great deal of time and effort trying to control our external conditions, while letting our internal reactions run wild.
Someone who is said to have a big ego is thought to be full of themselves, to lack the ability to listen, to always rush to be at the top of the tree and to think their own ideas are the best.
We can become fearless as we let go off our grasp on the fear of failure, because failure too is a perception rather than a reality.
It is important to be considerate of the future, but when we invest all of our present in our future hopes, we are placing a lot of value on what is inevitably in doubt.
Could you possibly be a little more incoherent?" asked Olivenko. "There are bits of this I'm almost understanding, and I'm sure that's not what you have in mind.
All women together ought to let flowers fall upon the tomb of Aphra Behn, for it was she who earned them the right to speak their minds.
Lights," I said softly. This had become my favorite word over the past week. In my mind, it had become synonymous with freedom.
The Order of the Divine mind, embodied in the Divine Law, is beautiful. What should a man do but try to reproduce it, so far as possible, in his daily life?
Mindfulness helps us to set boundaries by revealing what makes us unhappy & what brings us peace.
Let your hair loose, and enjoy the breeze. Go out into the woods and sit under trees, Do whatever it takes and set your mind at ease.
Oh,' she says, 'the Vat prints nothing but rapes. You know what a rape usually is? It's a woman who changed her mind afterward.
Put McCall and I together and nothing can stop us." ... That's what he wanted. A woman to stand by him and conquer whatever they set their mind to.
They will set aside what they have believed about the world, divesting themselves of all preconceptions, all judgments.... They will do it, then they will send their minds out to seek the truth.
You and me, baby girl, we're too jaded. We just want mind-blowing sex with someone who knows we're fucked up and accepts it.
We read each other through our eyes, and anatomically they are an extension of our brains. When we catch someone's eye, we look into a mind.