Some people take what they need from the orchard, and other people pick the orchard clean." From - "The Mind Game Company - The Players
I was always interested in it when I was younger, but it was when I was at university, getting together with other like-minded theatrically inclined types, that I admitted to myself that I wanted to be an actor.
Try to open up your mind a little, and move away from rigid opinions of what people should do and be - unless you have been there.
Be brave. Be free from philosophies, prophets and holy lies. Go deep into your feelings and explore the mystery of your body, mind and soul. You will find the truth.
He is free to evade reality, he is free to unfocus his mind and stumble blindly down any road he pleases, but not free to avoid the abyss he refuses to see.
The highest privilege of being a writer is being able to say, 'open your mind to me and I'll take you to another world.
I wasn't a kid growing up thinking, 'One day I'll get an Oscar and make a speech.' That wasn't on my mind.
The word liberal distinguishes whatever nourishes the mind and spirit from the training which is merely practical or professional or from the trivialities which are no training at all.
If I put my mind to something, it happens. I do know that's not necessarily psychic. But I always feel like there's something around me protecting me.
I think if someone is writing continuously for 10 years and has not changed their mind about something - there's something wrong with them. They're not really thinking.
But my message to people with or without a condition is the fact that you can still do anything you set your mind to. You just have to do it in a slightly different way than other people.
Awakening of the mind is in waking up the kind feelings in the heart with an insight of the soul to distinctly identify and galvanize definitely the shade of darkness created by the colour of happiness
There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t accept the truth of each other.
An enthusiasm is to keep doing something to never let own mind to feel tired and the passion is to let the heart keep doing something own to never feel hired.
Mind may make business relationship; Heart does make personal relationship; Beautiful soul only makes sustainable and happy relationship. The choice is all ours.
Vision is a beautiful picture clicked with the roll of soul involving mind and heart to do introspection of the past, reflection of the present and connection with the future to see things considered impossible as possible.
The consideration of the quantity often takes the precedence over that of the quality in many significant activity of the society as the ordinary minds are in the great majority and the extraordinary brains are in the giant minority.
Truth adds strength to our mind,courage to our heart,happiness to our soul and empowerment, motivation and inspiration to feel the best in our enriching life.
God Is Great. If these three words together enshrine in our mind, heart and soul, then there is never worry, anxiety nor a fear of failure in our life.
The advantage to a person on being simple and humble all the time is that he is always adorable to innocent hearts, but not to those ignorant minds that treat his simplicity as a sign of his weakness.
Most times, my mind is just an ongoing, present-tense, first-person monologue. It's like I'm writing a novel, constantly, but only in my brain.