Hugh Howey and Amanda Hocking come to mind immediately as authors who managed to build a successful following without the initial support of a large publisher.
I have to be careful not to get a paunch - I'm so skinny that if I put any weight anywhere, it'd be there, and I don't like a bulge. I wouldn't mind if it went on my bosom, but it doesn't.
Google+ was, to my mind, all about creating a first-party data connection between Google most important services - search, mail, YouTube, Android/Play, and apps.
If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot.
I neither drink nor smoke, because my schoolmaster impressed upon me three cardinal virtues; cleanliness in person, cleanliness in mind; temperance.
Pain and sorrow and misery have a right to our assistance: compassion puts us in mind of the debt, and that we owe it to ourselves as well as to the distressed.
Dover's cliffs call to mind the Roman invasion; the Battle of Britain; our proximity to, yet difference from, mainland Europe; and international trade and exploration, both fair and exploitative.
The idea that the mind can extend even beyond the body is an intriguing one, and is bound to become more pressing as we increasingly develop technologies that augment our natural abilities.
Happiness is gleaned from a source, which can be attributed to all experiences; it can be found wherever the individual does not mind forfeiting the option, for some sense of control.
I have to tell you hon, I don't mind a little teasing now and then, but I'm no masochist and I'm sure as hell no lately, being around you is agony.
I tend to have an odd split in my mind: I tend to look at it as a writer and when the writing thing is OK and I'm happy with it, then I put on my actor's hat.
Nothing the European mind ever devised was meant to do anything but to facilitate the European's control over the world.
Put emotions to thoughts. Thoughts to words. Words to paragraphs. Paragraphs to pictures. Let your mind be known, heard and seen. Your thoughts are real as it could be.
A heart without kindness is like a river without water. A mind without clarity is like a dark cloudy sky. A life without purpose is like journey without destination.
Heavenly thoughts come floating into my mind like waves of lights, which bring color and beauty to brighten my life with delight.
As dreams are the healing songs from the wilderness of our unconscious - So wild animals, wild plants, wild landscapes are the healing dreams from the deep singing mind of the earth.
Echoes can’t read minds. But when you get to know someone very well, you can read their expressions. Pay attention. It will happen to you too.
The most wonderful thing I hear is people coming up and saying 'Thank you for my childhood', which still blows my mind but is very sweet.
We must make every effort to neutralize this threat peacefully, but be ever mindful of the growing danger Iran poses not just to a safe and free America, but to our allies abroad.
To be mindful of social phenomena is thus to identify more clearly hatred, greed, and delusion as well as the seeds of wisdom and compassion both around us and in us. (p. 52)
You are curious and quick, you have a deft mind, and for some unaccountable reason, people tell you things -- useful things.