The old Fleetwood Mac was much better; they did some beautiful and, to my mind, very authentic blues. Chicken Shack did pretty well in Europe, but after I left, it was over.
We call a child's mind 'small' simply by habit; perhaps it is larger than ours is, for it can take in almost anything without effort.
I try not to have actors in mind when I write because the tendency then is to be influenced by either their last performance or your favourite of their performances.
A short story is something that you can hold in your mind. You can really analyze how the entire thing works, like a machine.
I like unkempt; I don't mind if I have holes in my jacket or whatever. I think people should look more the way they feel.
In my mind, I never doubted whether I was going to achieve what I wanted to do. I just had to decide what it is I wanted to do.
Fear is a state of mind. There is nothing real about it. Welcome it in, 60 seconds passes, and as your guest politely ask it to leave. It will leave every single time!!
The way to find out about our place in the universe is by examining the universe and by examining ourselves - without preconceptions, with as unbiased a mind as we can muster.
Rock is ironic in that, up to a certain point, you can get better and better at it if you don't mind possibly looking more and more ridiculous.
This is my own little rock theory: In my mind, Nirvana slayed the hair bands. They shot the top off the poodles.
To my mind, a president should care about all people, and he didn't, which is why I will always feel Reagan lacked soul.
Kemp: I demonstrated conclusively this morning that invisibility-- I.M: Never mind what YOU'VE DEMONSTRATED!--I'm starving, said the voice, and the night is--chilly for a man without clothes.
I can never make up my mind if I'm happy being a flute player, or if I wish I were Eric Clapton.
I enjoy looking beyond the obvious and look at the stories happening all around me - you kind of formulate things in your mind and get excited about them.
A man who cooks is very sexy. A woman who cooks is not that sexy. Because it's associated in our mind to the domestic cliche of the woman.
The length of your shoe may change, the size of your pant may also change; but your life will never change until your mind changes! © more talks
My mind is vacant on names, but I know him as well as anything. When I need names they drop out of my head; when I don't need them they drop back.
Being innovative is to allow yourself to expose your mind to something great that has potential to change lives and the world positively and you take action on it.
The union of the mind and intuition which brings about illumination, and the development which the Sufis seek, is based upon love.
Show your bluebell passion with every step you take. Infuse your corporeal mind, body and spirit with atomic sense of urgency, purpose and apple juice.
There is something so amiable in the prejudices of a young mind, that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions.