The mind of the polyglot is a very particular thing, and scientists are only beginning to look closely at how acquiring a second language influences learning, behavior and the very structure of the brain itself.
Most teachers still say they love teaching though they wouldn't mind a little more respect for their challenging work and a little less blame for America's educational shortcomings.
I love challenges, I love intensity, and I also like to challenge my mind. Believe it or not, boxing is not only about physical force. You use a lot of concentration; it's really mental.
Your mind is a magnet. You don't attract what you need or what you want; you attract who you are. And I love who I am!
My look is relaxed, and while I love fashion, I don't obsess about it. I don't have set rules when it comes to dressing, and I don't mind where my clothes are from.
I fell in love at 14 and I remember that mad, tense feeling and all the mad things you do for the person - all those extremes and all the stuff you don't mind putting up with.
I love the physicality of my job and how my mind and body are most happy when I'm expressing and moving. My face was always secondary to body alignment and the dynamism of making a moment come alive.
The word philosophy sounds high-minded, but it simply means the love of wisdom. If you love something, you don't just read about it; you hug it, you mess with it, you play with it, you argue with it.
I love to have a bath with beautiful, relaxing music on and have no rush to do anything. It's a wonderful indulgence, and it helps me to calm down and stop my mind running overtime.
When you take away the phone and e-mail and you don't have a million things to run around to, it allows your mind the space to think more expansively about the things that matter.
Whatever belief that doesn't make you happier, stronger, healthier or wiser, surely doesn't deserve to be sheltered in your mind.
Many people are living unhappily because they keep trying to experience happiness without evicting the negative thoughts and beliefs that are vandalizing their minds.
You must refuse to entertain or shelter in your mind, any thought or belief that goes against your happiness and success in life.
You owe it to your destiny to never allow your mind to become a playground for negative thoughts and beliefs.
The mind can start to work in your favor or against you at any given time. It's a matter of turning your thoughts and beliefs around.
Any thought or belief that doesn't suggest the realities of success and happiness in your life, should never be granted the access to dwell in your mind.
Happiness is nothing but a blissful feeling that can only be activated when positive thoughts and beliefs are constantly dwelling in one's mind.
Never give yourself a reason to betray your positive inner-self by playing evil games with negative minds.
The habit of upgrading your mind with self-development messages is highly important, if you desire to reach the pinnacle of your true destiny in life.
Don't ever shelter the feeling of discouragement in your mind, because it only comes to distract one from one's true abilities in life.
I don't know what tomorrow brings, but I strongly believe that my mind is fully capable of dealing with whatever it shows up with.