My job is to give the president and secretary of defense military advice before they know they need it.
Washington is like a self-sealing tank on a military aircraft. When a bullet passes through, it closes up.
And, so I set my goals on astronaut because, as a military aviator, it was, I considered that to be about the peak of a flying career.
There has been a strong tradition in this country that it is not the function of the military to educate the public on political issues.
While the CDC is focusing on how our enemies could attack us, our military is focused on who may attack us.
The nuclear arsenal that Pakistan has, I believe is secure. I think the government and the military have taken adequate steps to protect that.
As a Korean War Veteran, I know too well the troubling nature of war. This is why I will always support a diplomatic answer before military intervention.
It is a grave matter to enter a war, without adequate military preparation; it may prove fatal to come into peace, without moral and religious preparation.
Thus, if armaments were curtailed without a secure peace and all countries disarmed proportionately, military security would have been in no way affected.
So long as peace is not attained by law (so argue the advocates of armaments) the military protection of a country must not be undermined, and until such is the case disarmament is impossible.
America stood at the summit of power, emerging from the Cold War as an economic, cultural and military force without equal.
In fact, the U.S. military has bent over backwards to respect the religious beliefs of some very dangerous fanatics who want to kill us.
Contrary to conventional military and game theory, the most effective offense is sometimes a direct attack against your political opponent's greatest strength - not his weaknesses - to place him immediately on the defensive.
Yes, there is a story about Agent Orange, and we knew that it harmed our troops and we knew how long it was to get the medical community to accept that, the military to accept it, the VA to accept it.
It is the duty of our men to enroll themselves in the national services. We need all our manpower for defence. For the military and... we need a quarter of a million men.
I've seen incredible acts of humanity in the military because people put themselves aside, and it's about the other person.
Yeah, September 11 happened and all my friends were like, 'Let's join the military!' and I was the only one who actually did.
People think of the military as being about guns and fighting wars, but it's really about service to country and community.
My workplace is wherever I'm making something, which could be in a field in gold country, or in an abandoned warehouse on a military base.
All military and most commercial aircraft use our designs that process power from jet engines.
All military regimes use security as the reason why they should remain in power. It's nothing original.