For years, the Bush Administration eviscerated all the military and legal structures that were designed to separate the innocent from the guilty in the 'Global War on Terror.'
It's clear that the United States has more to give the world than military bases.
Our military thought that they couldn't get to Pearl Harbor, that it was too long a journey from Japan to get there, and they proved us wrong.
I admire the military. I guess in a world of villains and heroes, they're my heroes. Their dedication, their commitment, their discipline, their code of ethics.
Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.
White House and State Department foreign-policy experts are overwhelmingly directed towards military and diplomatic issues, not development issues.
David Marcus: Scientists have always been pawns of the military.
Not even my excellent training at Juilliard prepared me for my first movie role, where I played a transsexual who falls in love with a military guy in 'Soldier's Girl.'
The economic and social problems would tend to become, like the military situation, more and more difficult as time went on and we became more and more isolated.
Spending time with the military certainly lends itself to some remarkable experiences, and I've been privileged to have had my share.
Saddam Hussein: [to the military] You're all really fucked now!
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.
The U.S. is not constructing a palatial embassy, by far the largest in the world and virtually a separate city within Baghdad, and pouring money into military bases, with the intention of leaving Iraq to Iraqis.
I've had this underlying need to go to a place and meet people who are on the other end of the portion of my tax money that goes to fund the U.S. and other militaries.
It is not in the interest of the German people or in the interest of world peace that Germany should become a pawn or a partner in a military struggle for power between the East and the West.
'Smart power' is the use of American power in ways that would help prevent and resolve conflict - not just send our military in.
Air power and military are meant to fight the enemy and not your own citizens... How do you differentiate a Maoist?... It will create a civil war-like situation.
Judge candidly what a wretched figure the American empire will exhibit in the eye of other nations, without a power to array and support a military force for its own protection.
We will work with industrial or Dept. Of Defence sponsorship as long as we keep our principals of openness firm we're proud to work with the military, and they respect that in turn.
Military officers from different countries, when they meet each other, tend to sort of fall in love, become mutual admiration societies, at the expense of realities.
The holiday season can be an especially trying time for our service men, women, and families. Military service and deployment create empty seats at holiday tables, religious services, and celebrations.