You might think that shifting your thoughts is as easy as setting your mind to it. But stressful thoughts aren't held in place through choice or will power. They're held in place through perceived truth value.
It was both necessary and desirable for us to be so strong at sea that no Sea Power could attack us without risk, so that we might be free to protect our oversea interests, independently of the influence and the choice of other Sea Powers.
How we feel is not who we are. We might feel like failures, but as long as we are still trying, we are not failures. We are works in progress.
As a kid, I might have been psycho, I guess, but I used to throw golf balls in the trees and try and somehow make par from them. I thought that was fun.
As the ironist does not have the new within his power, it might be asked how he destroys the old, and to this it must be answered: he destroys the given actuality by the given actuality itself.
Take care with the words you speak, it's best to keep them never know when you might have to eat them.
Just a friendly warning: the forces of spiritual darness are nothing to trifle with. Vampires do exist, no matter what the so-called scientific minds might say, and they ARE dangerous!
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
As I see, 90%+ (and not less than that) of people go about their lives living 90%+ (and not less) of a lie. choose a different way and live the least truth you might be.
Hasn't it dawned on your twilight mind, even in the seconds span of a falling star, that you might be missing something more than your sleep?
I will lose the habit of stars in the heavens, as frozen water loses the habit of snowflakes. I will take my frozen body, and give it to the young goats that they might graze it.
However, although you might think this is the time of year to take some time off, you must never transgress one of the allotment rules: 'Thou shan't go on holiday in summer!
Marisa starts to snoop. I might as well too. It's not often that I get to visit a water pellet company in a freaky refugee nation.
Marisa starts to snoop. I might as well too. It's not often that I get to visit a water pellet company in a freaky refugee nation. -from Fireseed One
We might not win today" But Time is our best friend, HE will catch up with you and drag you down... Vengeance will be ours
It's hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen ,but it's even harder to give up, when you know it's everything you want.
I think as I have got older, I have got a bit more relaxed, although you might not think that if you heard me screaming at my kids.
Be kind. It's worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them.
Your teacher might be a child who takes you by the hand and asks you a question that you hadn't considered before, and your answer to the child is your answer to yourself.
If Yucca Mountain had not been designated as a dumpsite for radioactive waste in 1987, it might easily have become a scenic overlook on the long drive between Tonopah and Las Vegas.
When you follow your heart, you're never supposed to do things because of what you think people might say. You do it for the opposite reasons.