To be successful you need friends and to be very successful you need enemies.
The Other Side of MidnightYou must live in a place where you can walk safely all alone even after midnights!
Mehmet Murat ildanAll great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.
Shannon L. AlderMiranda was dark, like a midnight sky. But as she fell, her eyes shone like stars themselves.
Dyls DownsCaron: [on phone] Yes, Washington, I know it's seven o'clock there, it's midnight here!
The Day of the JackalInez: You always take the side of the help. That's why Daddy says you're a communist.
Midnight in ParisPaul: Sex and alcohol. Fuels the desire kills the performance, according to the Bard.
Midnight in Paris