What is the worst of woes that wait on age? What stamps the wrinkle deeper on the brow? To view each loved one blotted from life's page, And be alone on earth, as I am now.
This communication alone, by the comparison of the antagonisms, rivalries, movements which give birth to decisive moments, permits the evolution of the soul, whereby a man realizes himself on earth. It is impossible to be concerned with anything else...
Deliver me from writers who say the way they live doesn't matter. I'm not sure a bad person can write a good book, If art doesn't make us better, then what on earth is it for.
As a species, we are most animated when our days and nights on Earth are touched by the natural world. We can find immeasurable joy in the birth of a child, a great work of art, or falling in love.
I want my last 50 years on this earth to be amazing. Of course, I still want to have 150 years before those last 50 years begin.
I didn't know then that the mind, like the earth, has several layers: a crust, a mantle, a boiling core.
Time is your only enemy, it disappears very quickly and never gives you a second chance.
All bowmen are caught between heaven and earth, born to discovery, choosing to love and raise their eyes high to a future that is apparent only through the strength of their hope.
The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed; the life of heaven must be begun here on earth.
Heaven and Earth are meeting in a storm that, when it's over, will leave the air purer and the leaves fertile, but before that happens, houses will be destroyed, centuries- old trees will topple, paradises will be flooded.
Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth.
Those who don't return become a part of the clouds, a part of the animals that hide in the ravines and of the water that comes from the earth. They become a part of everything... they become the Soul of the World.
When the time comes for you to leave this earth, if it doesn’t become a lesser place with your absence, then you have wasted your life.
So far as I can tell, most worthwhile pleasures on this earth slip between gratifying another and gratifying oneself. Some would call that an ethics.
There were good places and bad places to tell stories and there were of course stories that could not be told in any place on earth and these were reserved for heaven.
Matthew 10:34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Love like life should be maddening to the point of fulfillment. It should make the sun shine brighter, and when they look at you, the earth should never be standing still.
The Earth must have done some noble work; that is why you were born here and not in the ocean among the fishes and not in the sky among the birds.
Fire wants to burn Water wants to flow Air wants to rise Earth wants to bind Chaos wants to devour Cal wants to live
...and I wonder if there is any way to adequately describe the folly that causes us to undo all the great gifts of both Earth and Heaven.
Science, my lad, has been built upon many errors; but they are errors which it was good to fall into, for they led to the truth.