Nothing is given to man on earth - struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible - the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen.
I have worked with this red all over the world - in Japan, California, France, Britain, Australia - a vein running round the earth. It has taught me about the flow, energy and life that connects one place with another.
There is immense, powerful potential in life in this universe - especially now that we know that places like the Earth are common. And that potential, that powerful potential, is also our potential, of you and me.
It is inconceivable for our unconscious to imagine an actual ending of our own life here on Earth, and if this life of ours has to end, the ending is always attributed to a malicious intervention from the outside by someone else.
Two thousand years ago there was One here on this earth who lived the grandest life that ever has been lived yet - a life that every thinking man, with deeper or shallower meaning, has agreed to call divine.
You see, every creature alive on the earth today represents an unbroken line of life that stretches back to the first primitive organism to appear on this planet; and that is about three billion years.
Adversity is simply part of earth life. From it we can grow and progress if we choose to. Yes, some trials come because of our own disobedience, but many trials are simply part of life.
I realized not long ago that by the time I leave this Earth, no matter when it is I will have officially only spent approximately 14 years of my life where I did not have to deal with cancer.
The physical fabric of the world had to be such as to enable that ten billion year preliminary evolution to produce the raw materials of life. Without it there would not have been the chemical materials to allow life to evolve here on earth.
The existence of life beyond Earth is an ancient human concern. Over the years, however, attempts to understand humanity's place in the cosmos through science often got hijacked by wishful thinking or fabricated tales.
I love to sing. Seriously, in my past life I was Miley Cyrus or something. I swear I'm a singer, but I know I'm not. If I could sing, I would be the happiest person on Earth.
In order to live up to your full potential on earth, you must always challenge and replace any thought or belief that goes against your happiness and success.
Focus on your true purpose in life and stop focusing on other people's flaws, mistakes and failures. The fulfillment of your positive purpose on earth truly needs your undivided attention.
Don't ever stand in your way of learning from others.Even the smartest person on earth still asks questions about what he or she doesn't know.
Strive to continuously embrace bigger and better blessings by refusing to allow your thoughts and beliefs to stand against you and your true destiny on earth.
Stop worrying about your circumstances, God is already busy creating some brighter days for you. You definitely weren't brought here on earth to live as a failure.
Allowing yourself to get lost in the crowd would be such a painful disappointment to your positive inner-self, because you truly have a positive purpose on earth to fulfill.
I dare you to never ever give yourself a single reason why a life of positive fulfillment isn't your true destiny on earth.
If you are going to think about your problems, by all means let your thoughts focus on the solutions to them. Worrying and crying have never solved a single problem on earth.
When the President of Iran talks about removing Israel from the face of the Earth and is building nuclear bombs with a range of 3000km, you have to be worried.
science is one , gods are many science allows change and accept new tested things but religion not science laws are same all over earth but religions have different