Isn't it sad that some people waste their lives emulating those who don't even know who they are or what they are here on earth to do?
Some people say 'life is too short,' but yet constantly procrastinating as if life on earth is forever.
It is so sad that too many individuals spend their entire lives trying to impress people who are mostly clueless about their true purpose on earth.
Who on earth can bring you down when God is already lifting you up to receive bigger and bigger blessings?
Every given moment calls for you to examine the thoughts and beliefs in your mind to ensure that they are constantly in favor of your true destiny on earth.
Never forget to remind yourself each and every day, that your presence on earth is very important, and will forever matter.
I am nothing but an imperfect being, who is residing on earth with a perfect God as my guidance and protection.
There aren't too many priceless feelings on earth that could equate to the feeling that comes with shinning the light of manifestation on your true passion in life.
God has already elevated your true potential on earth. So isn't it time for you to start dreaming a little bigger?
Never allow anything or anyone to cause you to stop loving yourself unconditionally. Your presence on earth is undoubtedly priceless.
Whatever it is that may happen in your life, never stop pushing ahead; success still remains your true destiny on earth.
The society would never dictate the pace of your life on earth, if you truly know who you are and what you positively stand for.
As long as you are still breathing, you definitely haven't reached your highest potential on earth. Always challenge yourself to do better.
It is always such an amazing feeling when you start to courageously and confidentely move to the cadence of your true positive purpose on earth.
Seeking approval from others isn't what your destiny demands. Neither is it by any means one of your tasks on earth.
One of the problems with not having gratitude in life is that heaven and earth could be given to one, yet one would still be unhappy.
I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad?
I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul.
We don't need to clear the 4 to 6 percent of the Earth's surface remaining in tropical rain forests, with most of the animal and plant species living there.
I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow was the Final Dawn, the last sunrise before the Earth and Sun are reshaped into computing elements.
There's plenty of food, other than non-vegetarian, here, on this earth. So, don't hurt, kill and eat animals to increase your girth