I had accumulated some capital and was at an age at which I was interested in generating income. But even though I was risk averse, I was interested in growth stocks.
You get to a certain age where you prepare yourself for happiness. Sometimes you never remember to actually get happy.
A lot of record company people, even though they're our age, want to be perceived as young hip guys, and they're hurting the business.
I can't hit on women in public any more. I didn't decide this; it just doesn't feel right at my age.
I got my first guitar at age of 7 and never laid it down. Momma taught me G, C, and D. I was off to the races son!
It is kind of hard to figure out who you are when you've lost your job at age 13, when that was basically how you identified yourself.
My mother was 45 when she had me, so when I was in high school my parents were the same age as my friends' grandparents.
No matter our age, circumstances, or abilities, each one of us can create something remarkable of his life.
Here comes 40. I'm feeling my age and I've ordered the Ferrari. I'm going to get the whole mid-life crisis package.
We see no objects in our universe that could become wormholes as they age.
My mom, she's a breast cancer survivor and because of that I had started getting mammograms once a year, starting at age 30.
I've dated men my age, younger than me and older. The only difference is the young ones are quicker at taking out the garbage.
If one age believes too much it is natural that another believes too little.
Since age seven, I've been composing and have never stopped composing, yet, the creative process is as elusive to me as it has ever been.
In fact, my courage and my bravery at a young age was the thing I was bullied for, a kind of 'Who do you think you are?'
It's the age of information and we need to just get as informed as we can about what other things might help us live healthy lives.
I'm not skinny for the wrong reasons. It's not because I'm bulimic or anorexic or doing drugs. Compared to a lot of actresses my age, I'm actually overweight.
I briefly flirted with some of the new age offerings available in the early '90s and found strength in Buddhism, but ultimately I was looking for something that was not tied to tradition.
The history of the Victorian Age will never be written: we know too much about it.
The age I'm at now, you go from being a young girl to suddenly you blossom into a woman. You ripen, you know? And then you start to rot.
Your body actually reminds you about your age and your injuries - the body has a stronger memory than your mind.