Age merely shows what children we remain.
Invention is the talent of youth, as judgment is of age.
Stories always seem to get better with age.
The hands really show signs of age.
You never play age, you play character.
At my age it is unseemly to be pessimistic.
At my age, the radiation will probably do me good.
Publishing is in a kind of Jurassic age.
age is a terrible theif
I don't think I've aged gracefully.
I'm partly obsessed by aging gracefully.
I said 'No, I've aged, but grown up? No'.
People are funny. They want the front of the bus, the middle of the road and the back of the church. —Mrs. Miracle
We are God's middle children, according to Tyler Durden, with no special place in history and no special attention.
Godshawk looked surprised, the way that people generally do when you ask them philosophical questions in shrubberies in the middle of the night.
You climbed into my window in the middle of the night. So, either you're some kind of Vampire or some kind of Perv. Which is it?
Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.
BE QUIET!!...What do you want...? I was in the middle of saying something nice...
I am Classic Rock Revisited. I revisit it every waking moment of my life because it has the spirit and the attitude and the fire and the middle finger. I am Rosa Parks with a Gibson guitar.
Mothers and daughters can stay very connected during teenage years. In the middle of your life, you can become very alone. Even though you're connected deeply to other family members, lovers, husbands, friends.
You can have information and ease of use and have artistic integrity at the same time. The art of being a good Web designer is getting yourself into that middle ground and treating it as a final destination instead of as a compromise.