Music for me is not just being on a stage and singing. It's my coping mechanism.
Old music used to mean something. There is none of that today.
My father was interested in bringing reggae music to the entire world.
Since day one my thing has always been to play the music.
I've always gone out with men who wanted a cook all the time.
Mother is far too clever to understand anything she does not like.
Of all the roles I've played, none has been as fulfilling as being a mother.
Trying to be Supermom is as futile as trying to be Perfect Mom. Not going to happen.
I could get away with not taking care of myself as a bachelorette but as a mom I can't.
My mom always bails me out of things when I get in trouble.
I was home-schooled. My mom wasn't a fan of public school systems.
To be honest, I wish I had more mom friends.
My mom brought me up to believe that my talent is a gift and a blessing.
My mother thinks I could have even run a larger company.
My mom won't let anyone treat me like a little princess.
My mom gives me an allowance. She keeps me pretty tight-reined.
I was a single mom that raised two bright, beautiful, and compassionate girls.
My mom being a psychotherapist, I've been brought up with that whole psychoanalytical terrain.
My mom doesn't get the whole gay thing, but she loves me.
My mom always says I cut my teeth on the church pew.
There are days when I wonder why my mom couldn't be here to see this.