Downloading songs is not good.
Leadership is an ever-evolving position.
The Meatbats are a throwback band.
To question is to grow.
I used to be a hairdresser.
Implementers aren't considered bozos anymore.
It's a sin to swear.
It is normal to be nervous.
Browseability is the key online.
Music can be a source of escapism.
Music isn't only a profession.
Music is an escape for me.
My nickname for my mom was 'The Compass.'
My mom and I are very close.
My mom died when I was 8.
Children are not a burden.
Work at being a humble person.
I tend to notice work.
Collaborating on a film script involves two people sitting in a room separated by the silence of two minds working together.
You can't explain much in 60 seconds, but when you show Michael Jordan, you don't have to. It's that simple.
I really believe that God puts things in front of you for a reason, even if you don't always appreciate it in the moment.