Seabeck is slow to change.
My dad was a terrible businessman.
My dad was an English professor.
I'm turning into a stricter dad.
I've always wanted to be a dad.
My dad died of a stroke.
Accessible design is good design.
If I don't terrorize, I'm not Pop.
Peter Kaplan was a giant.
I don't have time to date.
Jimi Hendrix's music was escapism.
Music is a unifying force.
I've always wanted to be a mom.
I always wanted to be a mom.
My mom is a typical mother.
I want to be a loving mom.
Now the fact that people are saying, 'Oh my God, he's finally come out' - I was never in.
There is an intimacy about the Opry Theater that gives an entertainer a special charge.
Once your name becomes well known, politicians come courting.
A black man singing about a blond girl was potential trouble.
I really want to work with Rufus Wainwright. Michael Stipe from R.E.M. I would love to work with Kanye West.