The key to management is to get rid of the managers.
I'm not educated. I left school when I was 16, with no qualifications.
On the whole, I tend not to listen to my peers.
If it's me and yer granny on bongos, it's the Fall.
I don't want to be seen as this math-rock geek.
We shouldn't need riot police at schools.
I understand that I'm a role model.
Let's just win it and go home.
Who wouldn't want to go back home to play?
My dad was so much fun growing up.
My dad is a Deadhead, my mom's a Jewish-American princess from Jersey.
My dad was Superman to me, and in my mind he always will be.
My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's actually what I aspired to be.
My dad's not a very intimidating father figure.
My dad has more sparkly stuff than most men.
Rich men's sons are seldom rich men's fathers.
I'm the fun dad, I am also the disciplinarian.
Peter Boyle on Everybody Loves Raymond is more of an insane Dad.
So my dad raised me, and he's a huge football fan.
My dad and my uncles used to always be in the studio at my house.
A father's disappointment can be a very powerful tool.