You know, I'm pro-troops, but I'm not pro-war.
Kids on the Youtube, learning how to be cool.
I try to reach out to my idols.
I didn't touch a guitar until I was 20.
Confidence is one of the sexiest things.
I'm doing comedy development at National Lampoon.
The darkroom is just the means to an end.
I haven't danced since 1973; I'm too old.
I definitely keep myself secret.
I've always been conscious of my weight.
Animal testing is needless, especially in cosmetics.
I was 21 and homeless - such a broken, lost woman.
I would like to speak 10 languages.
I've had every hair style imaginable.
You know, it's a long world.
I live like a scumbag, but it's cheap.
Microsoft certainly makes products for the Macintosh.
The mind and the voice by themselves are not sufficient.
The trouble with records is that they're too short.
I don't recall getting a first guitar.
I can't not be who I am.