The thing with me is, I'm both untidy and I hate mess. But I'm not untidy in communal spaces, like living rooms. My bedroom is havoc.
We can love anyone at a safe distance, but loving people in the thick of their mess takes the supernatural love of Jesus working in us.
There's a gray area between Conservative and Orthodox people, for whom you don't screw around with the mezuzah, you don't mess with the holy melodies.
I just want to pour my soul out on someone and not have to worry about the mess I’ve made.
Rapid population growth and technological innovation, combined with our lack of understanding about how the natural systems of which we are a part work, have created a mess.
Yes, it's a man's world, but that's all right because they're making a total mess of it. We're chipping away at their control, taking the parts we want. Some women think it's a difficult task, but it's not.
And, er, these stories about you..." "Oh, all true. Most of them. A bit of exaggeration, but mostly true." "The one about the Citadel in Muntab and the Pash and the fish bone?" "Oh, yes." "But how did you get in where half a dozen armed and trained m...
Love is just another dirty lie. Love is ergoapiol pills to make me come around because you were afraid to have a baby. Love is quinine and quinine and quinine until I'm deaf with it. Love is that dirty aborting horror that you took me to. Love is my ...
Vincent: [Lance is looking for a medical book] Hurry up, Lance! We're losing her! Lance: I'm lookin' as fast as I can! Jody: [to Vincent] What's he looking for? Vincent: I dunno. Some book. Jody: [to Lance] What're you looking for? Lance: A little bl...
Andrew: Just me. Just you and me. Two hits... me hitting you, you hitting the floor. Any time you're ready, pal. Bender: [Bender goes to hit Andrew but Andrew tackles him to the floor] I don't wanna get into this with you man. Andrew: [Andrew lets hi...
That’s not a father. That’s a sperm donor. Forget him. He’s a mess. Concentrate on me. I’m terrific. (Linc Blaise)
When every other facet of my life was a mess, music stayed true as math.
Now there's a girl I don't want to mess with' — or at least, that's what I would think if I had a chronic fear of freakishly nice people.
Their heartbeats fought each other, a mess of rhythm. Liesel tried to eat hers down. The taste of heart was not too cheerful.
God, she was beautiful. Hair a tangled mess, clothes torn, lips pale and swollen, skin streaked in dirt. And she was so damn beautiful and flawed and perfect.
One of the best things about Kickstarter and crowdfunding and the collapse of the music business is a lot of artists like me have been forced to face our own weird mess about ourselves and what we thought it meant to become musicians.
A player is someone - a guy - that messes with girls' emotions just to try and get what they want. I've been asked, 'Do you consider yourself a player?' And the answer is no. I don't think I'm anywhere near that.
The NHS is a bit iffy when you sprain an ankle, but when it's a high-priority issue, it's fantastic. They don't mess about. They're incredibly efficient when things go wrong.
I still have shy qualities but nobody would believe that, just because we're in the forefront and I can talk a lot of mess and I can run my mouth.
The only place that the left hasn't placed the blame is on their agenda, so some advice for our friends on that side of the aisle: that's where you've gotta look because that's what got you into this mess.
I've been so spoiled in the theater, writing plays where I can just do exactly what I want and nobody messes with me.