Others Exonerated the plebs and threw the blame upon the patricians: it was owing to their artful canvassing that the plebeians found the road to office blocked; if the plebs might have a breathing-spell from the mingled prayers and menaces of the no...
The moon had spread over everything a thin layer of silver--over the rank grass, over the mud, upon the wall of matted vegetation standing higher than the wall of a temple, over the great river I could see through a somber gap glittering, glittering,...
And just like that, as if I hadn't said anything at all, the ladies sprang into a conversation about the sinful nature the Jews possessed when killing their Lord Jesus. I didn't know if I was hearing this right because I had become so intoxicated, bu...
Il dit non avec la tête Mais il dit oui avec le coeur Il dit oui à ce qu'il aime Il dit non au professeur Il est debout On le questionne Et tous les problèmes sont posés Soudain le fou rire le prend Et il efface tout Les chiffres et les mots Les ...
[Caine Lawson reflecting after being shot] Caine: After stomping on Ilena's cousin like that, I knew I was gonna have to deal with that fool someday. Damn! I never thought he'd come back like this, blasting. Like I said, it was funny like that in the...
These solitary ones who are free in spirit know thatin one thing or another they must constantly put on an appearance that is different from the way they think; although they want nothing but truth and honesty, they are entangled in a web of misunder...
Caine: My father sold dope and my mother was a heroin addict. Moms and Pops were real popular in the neighborhood. They would always be giving parties for friends of theirs who just got out of jail or was on their way to jail. They only got married '...
He seemed to be lying on the bed. He could not see very well. Her youthful, rapacious face, with blackened eyebrows, leaned over him as he sprawled there. “‘How about my present?’ she demanded, half wheedling, half menacing. “Never mind that ...
People of very different opinions--friends who can discuss politics, religion, and sex with perfect civility--are often reduced to red-faced rage when the topic of conversation is the serial comma or an expression like . People who merely roll their ...
{ } I realised as if for the first time, the menace of these queer shaven men in lace and petticoats who had been intoning, responding, and going through ritual gestures at me. I realised something dreadful about them. They were thrusting an incredib...
[Caine bursts into a car in a fast food drive-through lane] Caine: I want your motherfuckin' Daytons and your motherfuckin' stereo. And I'll take a double burger with cheese. Car-jack Victim: What? Caine: Motherfucker, order my motherfuckin' food! Vo...
The door suddenly opened. A leggy young brunette took two steps into the office and stopped short. Her brown eyes widened, she hastily excused herself and turned to leave. Pérez’s jaw dropped as he looked up at her high heels and ankles. He crawle...
Along with the standard computer warranty agreement which said that if the machine 1) didn't work, 2) didn't do what the expensive advertisements said, 3) electrocuted the immediate neighborhood, 4) and in fact failed entirely to be inside the expens...
O-Dog: You got some money or not? Basehead: Come on, man. You kmow I'm a little short. Hook me up, man. O-Dog: Nigga, hook you up? Fuck outta here. Basehead: Man, I got these cheeseburgers. They some double cheeseburgers. O-Dog: Nigga, I just ate. I ...
Grandpapa: Now what I want to talk to you two about is the trouble that you've been getting into. Boys, the Lord didn't put you here to be shooting and killing each other. It's right there in the Bible, Exodus 20:13: '"Thou shall not kill.' Caine: Gr...
O-Dog: You got some money or not? Basehead: Come on, man. You know I'm a little short. Hook me up, man. O-Dog: Nigga, hook you up? Fuck outta here. Basehead: Man, I got these cheeseburgers. They some double cheeseburgers. O-Dog: Nigga, I just ate. I ...
Malgré les fanatiques, il serait extrêmement dangereux d'importer en France la thèse d'un «choc de civilisations» entre le monde musulman et nous. Ne faisons pas de l'Islam le miroir où toutes nos difformités s'effacent. Ne renouvelons pas l'e...
Pernell: [during a visit to the penitentiary] It's been a long time, Caine. How you doin', man? How come you never come see me? Caine: [looking down] Man, I don't want to see you all caged up like some animal. Pernell: Is that what you think? I'm a a...
O-Dog: Hey, man, who the fuck gonna be old out there at twelve o'clock at night, bitch? Shit, nigga, I'll smoke anybody, nigga. I just don't give a fuck. Shit. I'm gonna hit this shit, nigger. Caine: Look, all right, not me, all right? I'm not killin...
Insurance Man: It's gotta be in excellent working condition, all right? Insurance company won't give you no money for a car that doesn't run. Ca-can you hang with this? Chauncy: Yeah, I'll hook you up. Be here tomorrow night at about, uh, about ten-t...