Inking is meditation in liquid form...
The Warrior of the Light meditates.
I meditate and I'm passionate about it.
I notice a difference from the moment I meditate.
Silence is the highest form of meditation.
From my experience, meditating can bring up the most stressful thoughts.
One of the regular intervals of meditation in my life, believe it or not, is in my car.
Just as you wouldn't leave the house without taking a shower, you shouldn't start the day without at least 10 minutes of sacred practice: prayer, meditation, inspirational reading.
Love is the highest form of meditation.
There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt.
Many people could benefit from meditation.
The amount of time we spend with Jesus - meditating on His Word and His majesty, seeking His face - establishes our fruitfulness in the kingdom.
True oneness is found in quiet meditation with nature.
The caterpillar becomes a pupa to meditate and then becomes a butterfly
Meditation is the soul's perspective glass.
Let the breath lead the way.
Your educators can only be your liberators.
Meditation is such a more substantial reality than what we normally take to be reality.
I find a bath meditative and usually prepare myself for the day in this manner.
I deepen my experience of God through prayer, meditation, and forgiveness.
The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.