And a bird overhead sang Follow, And a bird to the right sang Here; And the arch of the leaves was hollow, And the meaning of May was clear.
The most important basis of any novel is wanting to be someone else, and this means creating a character.
I wouldn't mind being in an American film for a laugh, but I certainly don't want to be in Thingy Blah Blah 3, if you know what I mean.
Just because I say hi doesn't mean that I want to sleep with you I'm just trying to be nice.
I think I am a radical. I have never deviated from that. By radical, I mean someone trying to go to the root of things.
I suggest that going to Mars means permanence on the planet - a mission by which we are building up a confidence level to become a two-planet species.
Every season has its lipstick trend, and just because your perfect color is a pinky beige, that doesn't mean you can't wear deep burgundy.
A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates.
In the past it seemed like I was making fun of rap a little bit. But it was more me making fun of myself, since I'm not technically a rapper, whatever that means.
I watch what I eat every day. I mean, who actually eats with their eyes closed?
I'm just saying if you want to reach large audiences, then rely on professionals, meaning people who are in the industry and are trained for it, rather than just idiot savants.
I mean that I think I find the psychology of people more interesting than politics. I think the psychology of politics is more interesting than straight politics.
The Latin root of the word 'politics' means 'of the people.' Politics is about something bigger than electoral politics; in that sense, I feel like I'm already involved.
The Democrats can engage in the most reprehensible, mean-spirited, vile, vicious verbal attacks known in politics, and they get praised for it.
Thumbs up or thumbs down on a website is not a conversation. The danger is you get into a habit of mind where politics means giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to a website. The world is a much more complex place.
Generally, a rally will have staying power, technicians say, if, in addition to price movements, it has heavy trading volume and breadth, meaning that several stocks rise for each stock that falls.
The power of a handwritten letter is greater than ever. It's personal and deliberate and means more than an e-mail or text ever will. It has a unique scent. It requires deciphering. But, most important, it's flawed.
Diplomacy means all the wicked devices of the Old World, spheres of influence, balances of power, secret treaties, triple alliances, and, during the interim period, appeasement of Fascism.
Who would have thought that a means of communication limited to 140 characters would ever create misunderstanding.
It's August, which means Congress is on recess and Mitch McConnell has shimmied back into the ocean to seek a mate.
Learn to say no in situations where saying no can be difficult, where it could mean getting fired. Say no anyway, because it could lead you to greater opportunities.