One note is not music. It is what lies between the notes that makes the music. And what is between them is: their relationship. Relationships are the music life makes. Context creates meaning. Asking, "What is the meaning of life?" is the wrong quest...
Life is two things. Life is morality – life is adventure. Squire and master. Adventure rules, and morality looks up the trains in the Bradshaw. Morality tells you what is right, and adventure moves you. If morality means anything it means keeping b...
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.
If you reconnect with nature and the wilderness you will not only find the meaning of life, but you will experience what it means to be truly alive.
Acceptance doesn’t mean that life gets better; it just means that my way of living life on life’s terms improves.
The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away.
If, you know, all your life you're making films or whatever, and somehow along the way you lose meaning in whatever you're doing when you're making the films, they're just not the same as they used to be to you. That doesn't mean your life is over; i...
What do you want a meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning.
They are so very cultivated, so very rich and so utterly charming. At the end of each day, they all ask themselves: 'Is it time I stopped?' And they all reply: 'If I did, there would be no meaning to my life.' As if they actually knew what the meanin...
What does music mean to me? I don't think I would really be much without it, without it coming through me. It's my means of communication, my means of growth, my means of transportation from one point in my life to another.
Each day is an adventure in discovering the meaning of life. It is each little thing that you do that day - whether it be spending time with your friends, running in a cross-country meet or just simply staring at the crashing ocean- that holds the ke...
If the meaning of life has become doubtful, if one's relations to others and to oneself do not offer security, then fame is one means to silence one's doubts. It has a function to be compared with that of the Egyptian pyramids or the Christian faith ...
Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope.
The meaning of life is to adventurously discover our gift. The purpose of life is joyfully share our gift with the world.
Human beings do not live forever, Reuven. We live less than the time it takes to blink an eye, if we measure our lives against eternity. So it may be asked what value is there to a human life. There is so much pain in the world. What does it mean to ...
The meaning of life is that it is to be lived, and it is not to be traded and conceptualized and squeezed into a patter of systems.
You know I feel very fortunate that my life has turned out the way that it has - whatever that means - I mean... you know, to say that I would be glad would mean that I planned it.
Being a mom makes me feel whole and like I understand the meaning of life.
As we celebrate the evolution of the life of one so special, we embrace the meaning of life, itself.