Square meals often make round people.
On average, I order about three meals for myself in one sitting.
Square meals, not adventurous ones, are what you should seek.
I'm a takeout kind of girl. Whole Foods prepares most of my meals.
Nearly everyone wants as least one outstanding meal a day.
Creasy: Revenge is a meal best served cold.
Competition is the spice of sports; but if you make spice the whole meal you'll be sick.
If I go to a restaurant, other people stare. The meal is ruined.
I really don't have a favorite meal. I eat anything.
Stefan needed me. Ha! Stefan needed me, as what? His next meal?
Three meals plus bedtime make four sure blessings a day.
When it comes to meals, there's always a fantastic choice on British Airways.
I balance my meals. I have never been a big dessert guy.
Vengeance against predators is meals on wheels.
I'm a bit of a wine snob and like a glass of Chateaux Margaux '82 with a meal or to unwind.
I can remember at college, living on 30-cent meals.
Real connection and intimacy is like a meal, not a sugar fix.
You give the reader a sense of a full meal.
These guys are so old they're eligible for meals on wheels.
At home, I make a large batch of tomato sauce and freeze it in meal-size portions in freezer bags.
For my last meal, I'd want an Irish breakfast with soda bread and one of my dad's omelettes with three or four eggs.