É bom quando nossa consciência sofre grandes ferimentos, pois isso a torna mais sensível a cada estímulo. Penso que devemos ler apenas livros que nos ferem, que nos afligem. Se o livro que estamos lendo não nos desperta como um soco no crânio, ...
Dear Eloisa (said I) there’s no occasion for your crying so much about such a trifle. (for I was willing to make light of it in order to comfort her) I beg you would not mind it – You see it does not vex me in the least; though perhaps I may suff...
Iar noi doi traim, suntem amandoi in viata si mereu aproape, insa orgoliile nebunesti nu ne mai infierbanta mintile, dar, cand trec pe dinaintea celor intamplate, plec capul si - nu stiu de ce - mi se strange inima. Nu simti ce lucru grav, ce lucru f...
I’ll tell you another secret, this one for your own good. You may think the past has something to tell you. You may think that you should listen, should strain to make out its whispers, should bend over backward, stoop down low to hear its voice br...
I used to feel spiritually inferior because I had not experienced the more spectacular manifestations of the Spirit and could not point to any bona fide “miracles” in my life. Increasingly, though, I have come to see that what I value may differ ...
What is it about guys named Adam?
Your lips are the only stimulant I need.
Much that may seem evil can be good.
I want to suffer so that I may love.
May you rule in wisdom.
Tu as les jambes longues mais la mémoire courte !
May your heart overflows with exceeding joy.
May God inspire you to have great visions.
May you be guided to walk in the right paths.
May God strengthen and brighten your path.
May your hope keep you joyful.
Wounds may heal, but the scars remain.
You may not be able to change a situation, but with humor you can change your attitude about it.
The age of innocent faith in science and technology may be over.
Youth, what man's age is like to be, doth show; We may our ends by our beginnings know.
The greatest problem about old age is the fear that it may go on too long.