There is something beautiful in every person that never dies, no matter their misfortunes.
Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best LifeIt is the story that matters not just the ending.
A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Formpeople without sense of humor aren't much fun to be around, no matter how far they've gotten.
Mortal FriendsAnd I envy you. You have the one thing that matters. You have all your discoveries before you.
The MagusIt’s not the win that matters so much as recognizing and respecting its value.
No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy BookNo matter what they say, we aren't free if we can't make our own choices.
The Nothing Spirit: Nothing is EverythingIt wouldn’t matter if he was a bad boy , if you got rid of your bad habit. Be encouraged
Never Let Go of My Hand