No matter how long the night, the day is sure to come.
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.
Only two things matter in this world: a son and a daughter.
As long as a child does not cry, it does not matter what pleases it.
I promised I will always protect you. You've been wounded badly because I've failed to keep that promise. [...] But I won´t fail you in this, Rachel. no matter what has happened. No matter what you've done. No matter what you will do. I will always ...
Energetically speaking, antimatter is the mirror image of matter, so the two instantly cancel each other out if they come in contact. Keeping antimatter isolated from matter is a challenge, of course, because everything on earth is made of matter. Th...
For Saffron," it said in shaky old writing on the damaged base, and on the other side, "Saffy's angel." Saffron, picking up the broken fragments one by one, said it didn't matter. She hugged Rose and Indigo and Caddy and Sarah, and said again and aga...
I sighed. "Now what do I do?" He leaned against my wall. "What do you want to do?" "Since when has that mattered?" "It's always mattered. It doesn't mean you'll get what you want, but what you want always matters. That's what defines you. does not matter if we are forgotten; what matters is the effect we have on those around us and those who come after us. What matters is how our own lives affect the larger, perpetual community of the living.
Wolsey always said that the making of a treaty is the treaty. It doesn't matter what the terms are, just that there are terms. It's the goodwill that matters. When that runs out, the treaty is broken, whatever the terms say. It is the processions tha...
It should make you shake and sweat, nightmare you, strand you in the desert of irrevocable desolation, the consequences seared into the vein, no matter what adrenaline feeds the muscle its courage, no matter what god shines down on you, no matter wha...
Right and wrong matters little when survival matters most.
Many of our problems in US maternity care stem from the fact that we leave no room for recognizing when nature is smarter than we are.
Everyone in the world should have a trench coat, and there should be a trench coat for everyone in the world. It does not matter your age; it doesn't matter your gender.
Creativity is not the property of artists alone. It's a basic element of the human character, no matter what culture you're in, no matter where you are on Earth or in history.
Sometimes, a war saves people.
What mattered was stil there. That was what they all felt, and what surprised them all. What mattered couldnt be shaken.
What really happened doesn't matter. What matters is how we agree to remember it.
No matter what you do, you are that girl. It's how you become that girl that matters.
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.
It does not matter how you came into the world, what matters is that you are here.