(Lyndon) Johnson created his own theater.
It's so nice to learn how people react to my words.
When the first "let there be light" spoken, the entire electromagnetic spectrum is emitted.
Magic is an ancient practice that has power over superstitious mind.
Technology brings mankind closer to divinity or extinction.
No perspective, no perception. New perspective, new perception.
Without sacrifice, true love is incomprehensible.
Don't be too hard on yourself! Sanity doesn't want to go haywire.
A country without vision runs to every direction.
There's kind of wisdom that must be firstly rejected before accepted.
Don't ever reject a small when you can't take it all.
Let every man be master of his time.
As long as he is around, I don't fit into your life." - Nathan
Did I become court composer through masterful procrastination? Hardly!
Different languages, the same thoughts; servant to thoughts and their masters.
If I started yesterday, I’d be a master of tomorrow.
One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels.
When you fall so many times, you become the master of flight.
Lying is an art, if you can convince yourself with lie, then you are a master.
The final group, on Sunday at the Masters, is the greatest feeling in the world for a professional golfer.
The first step towards mastering time is always to make time meaningless