Oh lord and master. High muckety-muck.
It's the mind that sees, not eyes.
Many stories magnify a fact.
Mysteries are facts that haven't been formalized.
A prayer is a chat with thy God.
No emphaty when you had blinders on.
Nobody's sane above the law.
Jangan tanggung! Kalau tak bisa dibina, ya binasakan!
Tuck a buck as a puck of luck.
Mind of myth sees ghost.
Nature is relic of pre-human civilizations.
Peace obtained with conflicts management.
Charisma is the fragrance of soul.
Spirit is a tangible substance.
Money and religion are perfect alloy.
The great soul understands the small-minded.
Do what you want that works.
Communism is Christianity castrated by Ockham`s Razor.
I think actors become jacks-of-all-trades and masters of none.
The Artist always has the masters in his eyes.
It's very easy to learn. And very difficult to master.