Colin: "1 dinna understand why we canna just go to bed and have sex." He looked truly puzzled.
The Pleasure MasterBeginning hook readers. Endings create fans.
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can MasterIt's in our genetics. It's why women are the master species. We give birth and we can walk in heels.
Taking a ShotThe past will be your teacher if you learn from it; your master if you live in it.
Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human ExperienceI was taught how to walk but I did not master the cheating steps of others.
The Wisdom Huntress: Anthology of Thoughts and NarrationsThe master tools of success are invitation, patience, time, gentleness, cooperation and surrender.
Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life