I don't think anyone in the media thinks strategically about society.
I'll say this: The media wasn't invited to my marriage, and they're definitely not invited into the divorce.
We've never been a religious band, but the media wants us to be.
The influence of blogging is overall a very positive force in the media.
I do not expect the white media to create positive black male images.
As far as the media is concerned, I wouldn't shoot anything down.
So, I get a kick out of working with the media.
I think the media's a little frightened of women.
America comes with both rights and responsibilities. You have, for example, the right to free speech, but you have the responsibility to not yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. If you don't live up to that responsibility, you face certain consequences....
We might think we know how we are being affected by the media—a book, a movie, a TV series. Ironically, this so-called awareness, the “third person effect,” is most common with, according to Gierzynski, “those with higher education.” He not...
The owners and top managers of most news media organizations tend to be conservative and Republican. This is hardly surprising. The shareholders and executives of multi-billion-dollar corporations are not very interested in undermining the free enter...
Rationality or consciousness is itself a ratio or proportion among the sensuous components of experience, and is not something added to such sense experience. Subrational beings have no means of achieving such a ratio or proportion in their sense liv...
Despite the variety and the differences, and however much we proclaim the contrary, what the media produce is neither spontaneous nor completely “free:” “news” does not just happen, pictures and ideas do not merely spring from reality into ou...
Para mentiras las de la realidad promete todo pero nada te da, yo nunca de mentí más que por verte reir. Menos piadosas que las del corazón son las mentiras de la diosa razón, yo solo te conté media verdad al revés (que no es igual que media me...
Even in the middle of a noisy mass of students, one girl’s laugh grabbed my attention.
The Constitution was framed in order to form a more perfect union, not to establish mass confusion.
Genius is present in every age, but the men carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth.
Las gentes no suelen ponerse de acuerdo si no es en cosas un poco bellacas o un poco tontas.
Who needs immortal strength when you've got weapons of mass destruction?
Innovations in the field of leadership start by getting studied and practiced; unfortunately then get mass-produced and mimicked.
Words, too, have genuine substance -- mass and weight and specific gravity.