Imagination is preview of realities of life.
Manage your time and life.
Life is fragile. Be cautious in life.
It feels great to be alive.
Path of light, path of life.
Sunshine's of daily life:Love unconditionally.
There is a great potential in everyone.
Live to read. Read for life.
Challenges are lessons to be learned,then overcome.
Evil is predicable; Good is paradoxical.
There is a crack in everything
Sex is not love and love is not sex
Life is full of great opportunities.
Skittles are my absolute favourite.
darkness of life is living death
I was painfully shy as a child.
These are the days that matter NOW!
The reflection of chaos is creativity.
Temerity is not always successful.
There is no time to escape reality.
No one is as simple as they may seem to be.