Gratitude leads to a good attitude
Embrace the pain to inherit the gain.
Read to lead in order to succeed.
Dislike in yourself what you dislike in others.
I'm a machine man, and I head a machine.
The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.
Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreate deity.
Our laughter is always the laughter of a group.
Kill him with your blessings of healing.
I'm not very happy idle.
You have to be true to yourself.
I'll get involved in philanthropy.
It hurts because there is no alternative to Love.
Every orientation presupposes a disorientation.
I never felt I left the stage.
Suffering does not necessarily ennoble you.
If you have a lemon, make lemonade.
Oh, what lies there are in kisses.
Each is responsible for his own actions.
To be realistic today is to be visionary. To be realistic is to be starry-eyed.
Simplicity is better than being pompous.